Codes for transaction status

From Wiki Plati.Online

E-commerce operations[edit]

X_STARE_FIN1 field values (authorize / settle operations)[edit]

PlatiOnline system supports the following Financial statuses 1 (authorize / settle operations):

X_STARE_FIN1 Parameter Description
1 Pending authorization
2 Transaction authorized
3 Pending settle
4 Sale transaction
5 Transaction settled
6 Pending void
7 Transaction voided
8 Transaction declined by card issuing bank
9 Transaction expired in 5/7/30 days (according to MasterCardVisa)
10 Error / Incomplete
11 Pending cash payment at Raiffeisen Bank
12 Pending cash payment at Posta Romana
13 Transaction that requires manual verification (pending verification)
14 Pending bank transfer payment
15 Pending POS Mobile payment
16 Payment page has expired
17 Payment aborted by user
18 Raiffeisen Bank cash payment
19 Payment link associated with a transaction

X_STARE_FIN2 field values (refund operations)[edit]

PlatiOnline system supports the following Financial statuses 2 (refund operations):

X_STARE_FIN2 Parameter Description
1 Pending refund / pending credit
2 Credited/Refunded
3 Dispute / Chargeback
4 Not applicable
5 Not applicable

X_STARE_SECURITATE field values[edit]

PlatiOnline system supports the following Moods:

X_STARE_SECURITATE Parameter Description
1 Maximum security
2 Medium security
3 Verification required
4 Not applicable
5 Requires manual verification
6 Fraud

X_STARE_SC field values(does the transaction have a corresponding ticket?)[edit]

PlatiOnline system supports the following Customer support Moods:

X_STARE_SC Parameter Description
1 Ticket open
2 Ticket closed

X_STARE_CC field values (order fulfillment status)[edit]

PlatiOnline system supports the following Completion Command Moods:

X_STARE_CC Parameter Description
1 Received (The first status automatically assigned to a transaction right after it enters the system.)
2 Acknowledged (This is the status of a transaction confirmed by the merchant as being associated to a valid order.)
3 Processed (This status indicates the availability of the entire order in merchant's stock and dispatch availability.)
4 Partially processed (This status indicates the partial availability of the order in merchant's stock and partial dispatch availability.)
5 Shipped (This status indicates the order was entirelly shipped to the customer, and the shipping company provided the necessary shipping information.)
6 Partially shipped (This status indicates the order was partially shipped to the customer, and the shipping company provided the necessary shipping information.)
7 Delivered (This status indicates the order was entirelly delivered to the customer.)
8 Partially delivered (This status indicates the order was partially delivered to the customer.)
9 Return (This status indicates the products have been returned to merchant warehouse.)
10 Cancelled (This status indicates the order cancellation upon customer's request or merchant's decision.)
11 Not applicable
12 Pending delivery (This is the status of a transaction confirmed by the merchant as being associated to a valid order.)
13 Requires verification (Merchant requested the warehouse deliver the order.)
14 Order expired
15 Error on relay reponse merchant notifications (This status appears when PO server could not send the response to the merchant server.)
17 Invalid merchant reply to relay reponse (This status appears when merchant response to transaction response is invalid.)