PlatiOnline API - Instant Transaction Notification Status - software developers

From Wiki Plati.Online

ITSN ver 5.x PlatiOnline[edit]

ITSN - Instant Transaction Notification Status

Offers the possibility for the merchant to specify an URL or web address to which the PlatiOnline system will send the notification for the transaction status modification.

NOTICE: The ITSN system only notifies about a change in the transaction status and does NOT specify the actual/current status of the transaction. In order to be able to learn the new/actual status of the transaction, you must run the Query operation.

ITSN Settings[edit]

In merchants interface

  • Settings menu;
  • Select ITSN;
  • Input URL you want PO to POST/SOAP the notification;
  • Save.

ITSN call is automatically sent when the transaction's status is changed.

For the programmers implementing the ITSN service, in the merchant interface, after clicking on the transaction details page, you can run an ITSN notification to the specified URL and the selected method by using the "TEST ITSN" button.

ITSN Request[edit]

Once any transaction change the status, ITSN service will notify ITSN request to the URL saved in the interface.

The refund process is split-ed into 2 step:

Step Comments
1. Validating the ITSN request XML_Message validation schema PlatiOnline create the ITSN XML named XML_Message request based on Plati Online version.

XML_Message contain all the necessary information to initiate ITSN request in the Merchant's system;

2. ITSN request response Processed/Error Merchant's system will response:
  • ITSN Processed
  • Error